How Did YouTube Grow


As per The Youtube Channel Management, the channel can grow in below parts to grow:

  • Create proper titles and descriptions
  • properly optimize the video .
  • Use appropriate content video .
  • Use high leveled hashtags

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1 Answer

First of all, you want to know what content people like to follow. As an example, most people like to follow love and relationships, spiritual, personal development, motivational material etc...

Your duty is to create engaging content according to those content.

All content must be copyright free.

You can get copyright-free images, pixel to video, Pixabay, Unsplash etc… Canva is the best tool for creating image content.

If you want to get your traffic by making a video then you can download any video from PIXEL.COM (all should be copyright free).

Copyright-free audio must be available on the YouTube Audio Library. Create beautiful videos and posts using them.

The tagline should be very important when you upload anything on youtube. Follow a verified course on "How to Increase YouTube Traffic" for more information.

It doesn't matter if you have no technical skills or any previous business experience.


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