Realize Your True Potential!!! Chidananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham!  -


Realize your true Potential!!! Chidananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham!  - Even though we have our own individual appearance, we are still Chidananda roopah Shivoham Shivoham which means I am the form of pure consciousness and bliss; I am Shiva, the auspiciousness itself, A mantra which reminds us of our oneness with the absolute, the transcendent, the ultimate reality - the truth. Adi Shankaracharya, calls out this part in the Nirvana shatakam with the ending lines Chidananda roopah Shivoham Shivoham.

The main aim of this divine hymn is self realisation.


The Nirvana Shatakam lyrics and meaning give a great view of oneself and thrive us to experience the pure consciousness and the bliss of self realisation.


There are a total of six verses in this hymn, so called Shatkam or shatakam. As the hymn makes us realize the Atma or the self, it got the name Nirvana shatakam and Atma shatkam.


When it comes to Nirvana shatakam meaning,  The ultimate thing explained is to realize and reach the state where a devotee feels his form as pure consciousness, bliss, and as God Shiva himself.

Though changes take place in subtle body of the Human Being, and because those changes take place then comes outcome of those changes, or refection. Jivatman is itself a reflection of the aatman, Therefore going into the subtle is Dhyan , which is meditation, and once the lusts and desires start to evaporate in the subtle body, then the jivatma and antaratma become one. once ignorance is blown out, the person will cross the 3 Guna barrier and then be chidanand shivoham shivoham.


Article Posted By: Manju Kumari

Work Profile: Content Writer

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