Robots Revolutionizing Gynaecology


Complex surgical procedures are highly advanced now due to less invasive methods, which result in less blood loss, that robots have made available.

Robotic surgery replenishes the cure of gynaecological conditions and our women folks, as a supreme outcome, are safer than before.

As such, the thoughts and threats of complex, bloody and painful surgical tasks, can easily be evaporated since robotic surgery is just the opposite of it.

For instance, fibroid management, endometriosis, and certain ovarian cancers are now easily treated like magic, thanks to digitized robot arms.

Not mincing words, patient care has seen a swift advancement with recovery ensured coupled with superior health outcomes.

How do we decode robotic surgery?

To begin with, this is a surgical procedure in which a narrow invasion is made, and an accomplished surgeon manipulates robotic arms on which precision devices are installed alongside a high-definition camera.


Clearly, with minute incisions such tech framework unrolls doctors are now better equipped to accomplish convoluted surgical tasks.    


Furthermore, such a system also ensures enhanced accuracy, control and visibility which marks a typical departure from the open surgeries as performed in the past.

How do women gain good health?

Undoubtedly, our women get better healthcare (as they deserve better) with the advent of procedures driven by robots.

For instance, hysterectomies and myonectomies have proved to be phenomenal.

Consequently, they need not be worried about anything like bulky periods, endometriosis or any uterine fibroids.

Some of these are underlined below:

  1. Pain-Less And Scar Free:

The fact is pretty simple. The smaller the incision, the smaller the discomfort and blurred scars.

  1. Quick Recovery:

Patients are allowed to go home within 36 hours of the surgery and they can get back to their regular work in a matter of days.

  1. Reduced Complications And Their Risk:

No room for any infection or excessive bleeding or any such risks which are often tied to surgeries.

Amazing Result From Such Surgeries:

Greater success rates, owing to express precision and those undergoing cancer surgeries grab better benefits.

Safety Programmed In Robotic Surgery:

Yes, such surgeries are pretty safe and cent per cent precision is achieved when performed by seasoned doctors.

It ought to be noticed here that robots are not designed to perform such surgeries independently, rather doctors, specialized in this domain, remain at the core of the procedure.

Sans doubt, precision gets better when hand tremors are controlled in such a scenario.

Future Surgical Care Is Right Here For Women To Feel Safe:

There has been a noticeable surge in the demand for robotic gynaecological surgeries.


The demand for robotic gynaecological surgeries is on a constant rise as the minimally invasive method grows in popularity and people ignore traditional surgeries marked with big cuts and chest open, otherwise.

Cot Involved In Robotic Surgery:

At first sight, such a surgery appears to be costly but then patients get convinced easily once they consider the long-term benefits such as swift recovery and they are allowed to go home within 2-3 days.

Then, they also witness fewer health complications.

Evidently, dear readers, tech innovation is unrelenting as great minds continue to think out-of-the-box ways to cure people and cutting-edge framework has elevated our healthcare to new heights.

Complex surgical processes have been simplified and are now safer and more effective and masses are able to access them globally with India included.


Robot Nurse:


Nurses feel burdened with workload and are widely stressed around the world and exhausted too but then robots are presented as an appropriate answer-containing solution.

Robot Brands Have Sprung up:

Many brands have surfaced globally from Japan to the US and even tech start-ups offer agile nurse solutions.

However, almost all of these robot companies claim not to edge out nurses from the hospitals and healthcare centres and that robots are designed to handle only mundane and repetitive tasks such as offering medicines and collecting lab inputs.

Eileen Dohmann, chief nursing officer at Mary Washington Hospital confirms, “We found that many things nurses do, they (tasks) really don’t require a nurse.

We bring the Moxy nurse in and they have to learn the environment by demonstration”.

As icing on the cake, robot nurses, nowadays, come with an AI navigation system and a robotic arm which helps them pass through doors and elevators.   

One of the nurses expressed satisfaction, “We need Moxy to either deliver something to us or to pick something that we need to deliver elsewhere.”

Moxy is quick to react to the call and reaches the corner or the spot in the hospital to render assistance in a jiffy.

As such, such are likely to lessen the load on the nurses and bright tech minds are still thinking about more new ways to leverage innovation for the benefit of mankind. Kudos to them.  


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