How To Protect My Family By The Corna Virus


I Worried About the New Coronavirus its very dangerous, I just want to know how to protect my family with this dangerous Corna virus.

2 Answer

According to WHO (World Health Organization) coronavirus is very dangerous virus many Countries Try to find the medicine but still they don't have any proper solution of this problem.

WHO says that if someone infected with this Virus so his symptoms would be like:
1. Fever
2. Cough
3. Shortness of Breath
4. Breathing Difficulties
5. Kidney Failure
6. and Death

This Virus Goes Person to person.

How do we protect to us and our family too?
It’s very easy to protect us and our family by this dangers virus there are some suggestion by WHO:
1. Washing your hand at least 20 second with soap, water, or any sanitizer.
2. Try to avoid touch any objects.
3. Avoid touching your Nose, Eyes, mouth and if it’s needed then before touch wash your hand properly.
4. Cover your mouth with mask, when you cough then cover your mouth

These are some basic suggestion by which you can easily protect your family by this Dangers Virus.

NOTE: Hope you like my article please upvote my answer.


Here is the Complete Documents about Corona

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