I Am 35 And Learning HTML, JS, JQ, And PHP. Can I Get A Job? And How Much Salary Can I Get?
I am 35 and learning HTML, JS, JQ, and PHP. Can I get a job? and how much salary can I get?
1 Answer
Hello JIMMY KHATRI, I hope you are doing well.
You are learning HTML, JS, JQ, PHP right? ..
Great, you took decision. You are learning something new. You told that you are 35, But let me tell you one thing, age is just a number. Don't think that whether you will get job or not, whether companies offers you a job or not. If you think like this, you won't be able learn it to the deeper. If you think like that, you won't be able to concentrate on things what you are doing .
If your heart is not in really someting, how can you give your best? If you don't give your best , how the great things will happen?
So don't think about getting job. Get skills, sharpen your skills. If you get right skills, you no need to go out to get job, job itself comes to you.
I hope now your doubt cleared.
AND don't go for job for few dollars of salary. If you have skills , do freelancing. You will earn more than the earnings from 9 to 5 job.