How Did Get The Competitors Backlinks?


Backlinks are one of the most effective SEO tools to help you reach that number one search result on Google.

But how do you make sure you are more than your competitors?

You look at their link building strategies and destroy them This is known as the competitors Backlink

competitors Backlinks is an SEO strategy where you analyze the backlinks of competitors websites to understand the benchmark for the type, quality, and number you need.

This will help you to create a more robust and effective link building strategy for your website.

By analysing the backlinks of your competitors, you will get a better idea of the more effective referral website, so you can reach out to them for your link building strategy

There are two types of competitors that you need to research:

  1. Domain-level competitors
  2. Page-level competitors

Domain-level competitors

domain-level competitors compete with your website on the whole.

These sites fall within the same industry sector as you or offer similar information. Essentially, they target the same audience that you’re trying to reach.

These competitors are trying to rank highly for many of the same keywords as you so they compete across their whole domain.

For example, uSERP offers backlinking services so our domain-level competitors will include SEO companies, backlink services, and digital marketing firms. These sites are also using backlink-related topics to increase their search engine visibility

Page-Level Competitors

Page-level competitors refer to individual pages that rank competitively for the same target keyword as one of your pages.

These websites may not offer similar services and may not be trying to target the same audience as you overall. Instead, these individual pages compete rather than the whole site.

Analyze a thorough link to pick up the hood on your competitors ’backlinks by following these simple steps.

Identify Your Main Keywords

Identify Your Main Competitors

Analyze Domain-Level Competitors with a Backlink Checker Tool

Investigate Page-Level Competitors with a Backlink Analysis Tool

Analyze Semantically Similar Keywords

Pinpoint the Top-Referring Sites

SEMRush is one of our favorites. Here is a five step process you can follow:

  1. Enter Your Competitor’s URL
  2. Navigate to the Backlinks Section
  3. Sort Results
  4. Review All Linking Sites
  5. Consider All Types
  • Text links
  • Image links
  • Frame links
  • Form links

1 Answer

5 steps to find your competitor's backlinks:

  1. Know your competitors
  2. Find websites that already link to your competitors
  3. Monitor new competitor backlinks in real-time
  4. Monitor competitive brand mentions in real-time
  5. Convert brand mentions to backlinks

    These 5 step-processes that I have outlined above will help you find and analyze your competitors' backlinks. Backlinks are a very important part of any successful SEO strategy and one of the top-ranking factors in Google's core algorithms. act as.

    Always actively looking for and tracking new backlinks from your competitors because it is important to follow them so that your website remains competitive for the keywords you want to rank for in Google search results.

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