Why Doesn't Youtube Have A Repeat Button


According to YouTube Video Marketing Services.YouTube pays uploaders who are willing to have ads featured in their videos based on the number of views they have.

So, if there was a 'repeat' button, they would need to design a system in which can tell if a video is actually being re-watched this many times, or whether it's a malicious tool used to manipulate YouTube views to get a bigger payout for channels who have vested interests in more views.

This would cause a lot of trouble on YouTube with creators, with new strict regulations in place - it would be an issue which Google's Adsense system would not want to expose itself to, but rather let third party services like YouTubeRepeat offer a 'repeat' service' since they still gain a view in this way.

As general creative content(video) consumers, we might find the need to put (say) good musical content on repeat. But YouTube is far more about targeted advertising. Putting videos on repeat would give the content creators good profits and heavy losses to the investors who invest in ads.

1 Answer

According to YouTube Video Marketing Services.YouTube pays uploaders who are willing to have ads featured in their videos based on the number of views they have.

There are lots of great answers here that get into business reasons why Youtube’s profits wouldn’t benefit from a loop/repeat button. Ads at the opening are only presented with a new video, so subsequent replays of the same video will not generate any revenue. Additionally, Youtube isn’t really marketed for listening to music (I assume that’s where most repeat button uses would come into play).

However, the current youtube player currently has two ‘hidden’ options to enable looping of the current video. (I am writing this answer on July 3rd, 2017, and aspects of this answer may be outdated in the future!)

One method I presume is intentional and was recently added in the last couple of years.

  • Right-click on the video -> Select Loop.

This ability seems to exist on all browsers. It appears to be a capability of Youtube itself.

The other is more obscure and longstanding - this is the method I had used for years.

  • Right-click on the video twice -> Select Loop

This capability works on Chrome browsers, and I would assume is a capability of the browser in how it instructs the video.

Providing some contrast, take a look at the options presented by Internet Explorer:

You can’t loop, but you are allowed to download the video and change the playback speed with more options than is presented by the youtube player!

These are some very interesting options built into various browsers! I encourage everyone to play around and let me know if there’s anything else interesting out there.

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