Shopy Vision - Do Not Buy Electronics Products Online Is One Of The FAKE Website Do Not Purchase Anything From Shopy Vision


one of the FAKE Website,
you guys calling me for 2nd installments since the last 1 month I told 100 time that I have not purchased anything from your website it's wrong no but still calling again and again for the payment.
when I asked complete details so you guys telling different name and different email id and different address. so why don't you talk to that person who name and email id you told me. why calling me again and again.

I request you to check your database and go to the address where you have placed the order who purchased your product. connect with email and correct number of your customer.


Getting 50+ messages for payment by I already told them all concern worte mail as well but still getting payment calls and messages. I am getting Mental torture and Harassment by this.

By this matter I have already written email to both , but still I am getting regular calls and messages.


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